your home
offering with
Cyber Security

New revenue streams for utilities

Security services offer utility companies a continuous flow of high-margin value-added services and increased customer stickiness. Stand out in a competitive market by partnering with F‑Secure, the leader in value-added security, to offer security and privacy products that engage your customers and strengthen their loyalty.

F‑Secure ID Protection and F‑Secure Internet Security are the perfect products to complement your residential customer offering. Expand your services around the connected home with online security products that strengthen your brand positioning and generate new revenue streams.

Innovative products that extend your offerings


by offering new products and services that complement your existing ones


for the home by offering solutions to keep your customers and their families safe


from competition with award-winning cyber security products that engage your customers


and reduce churn by offering products that achieve higher customer satisfaction / NPS levels

F-Secure ID Protection

F‑Secure ID Protection

Pass­word Management and Identity Protection

F‑Secure ID Protection monitors and detects leaked and exposed personal information online, responds quickly to identity theft threats, and doubles as a pass­word manager to prevent account take­overs. Designed to address today’s many forms of identity theft, our app-based solution protects your customers’ most valuable asset.

  • Monitoring of personal information

  • Strong pass­word management

  • Alerts on breached personal information

F-Secure Internet Security

F‑Secure Internet Security

Internet Security for All Devices

F‑Secure Internet Security is award-winning internet security that protects from viruses, trojans and ransomware. Internet Security also secures your customers’ online banking connection and lets parents set limits for childrens’ internet usage. Your customers and their families will surf safely.

  • Banking protection

  • Ransom­ware protection

  • Anti­virus and browsing protection

Awards and accolades

Awards and accolades

Support through­out your commercial launch

We know how to launch value-added security, and we’re here to share our know­ledge. When you partner with F‑Secure, you get the backing of our experienced marketing services teams to support your success, from the launch through­out the entire customer life­cycle.

Years of extensive research into consumer security needs have given us valuable insight into diverse markets around the world. We’ll put this expertise to work helping you create the ideal value proposition for your customers.

Our consulting and research services will make all the difference for the commercial success of your security solution.

Let’s talk

Read more or contact us today for a chat and a demo.

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