Uncover critical insights into emerging consumer scam trends for service providers. Informed by F‑Secure threat intelligence experts, the Scam Intelligence and Impacts Report examines the US and global scam landscape, offering actionable strategies for service providers to build customer trust in an era of rampant online deception and fraud.
How safe do consumers feel online?
Amidst the AI revolution, the global impact of scams has surged. Our 2024 consumer survey highlights the prevalence of cyber crime today and underscores a critical issue: increasing concerns about trust and safety online are significantly impacting consumers’ digital experiences. This chapter reveals:
How consumer trust in 2024 compares to 2022
Which online activities make consumers feel most vulnerable
Opportunities for service providers to offer a sense of security

Restoring consumer trust in the scam pandemic
F-Secure President and CEO, Timo Laaksonen, explores why consumer trust is in freefall, the impacts this loss of trust has on service providers, and what businesses can do to rebuild it. This chapter will guide you through:
How to navigate the scam pandemic as a service provider
How to add value by building positive digital experiences
How providing a sense of security can restore consumer trust

F-Secure Scam Taxonomy: an A–Z of online scams
While new scams targeting bank accounts and personal data are frequently reported, many are simply old schemes repurposed with modern trends and techniques. That’s why we developed the F‑Secure Scam Taxonomy. In this chapter, we cover:
Methodology-based scams built around specific methods
Target-based scams designed with a certain target in mind
Platform-based scams relying on a particular platform
AI-based scams leveraging AI to exploit individuals