Don’t fight alone, get Identity Theft Help

Identity theft can cost you money and time. To prevent that, you need to act fast. But do you know what to do? Identity Theft Help offers assistance in preventing and minimizing the damage of identity theft and other online risks.

Don’t fight alone, get Identity Theft Help

Battle identity theft with help from experts

Identity Theft Help is part of F‑Secure ID Protection and F‑Secure Total. When you don’t know what to do, our experts will help you.

Online fraud prevention

Prevent identity theft and cyber fraud with advice and help from experts.

Help specifically for you

Get case-specific advice on how to minimize the damage.

Wide range of cases covered

Advice to counter many types of cyber crime.

When to contact Identity Theft Help

Identity Theft Help will assist you, for example, with the following incidents:

  • when you get a data breach alert
  • you encounter malware or hacking
  • you want to decrease your digital foot­print
  • someone has done an unauthorised online purchase with your credit card
  • you have given personal information on suspected phishing site or fake banking site
  • you have lost your pass­port, wallet, driver’s license, or some other critical document
  • you have received a suspicious email or phone call

How does Identity Theft Help work?

F‑Secure ID Protection alarms you if your personal details have been leaked online. This gives you time to avoid identity theft and fraud. Identity Theft Help offers guidance when you suspect that your personal details have been stolen or already misused.

Prevent further damage with our support

Our customer support offers advice on what you should do if, for example, your information has been leaked online. If ID Protection alerts you of a leak, we will give you information on what to do next.

How do I contact Identity Theft Help?

Contact information can be found from our support pages. You can contact our experts via phone or chat.

Want to get Identity Theft Help?

Get Identity Theft Help by buying a subscription to either F‑Secure ID Protection pass­word manager or F‑Secure Total cyber security package.