NEWS FROM THE LAB - Thursday, September 4, 2014

Wi-Fi Sense? Posted by Sean @ 13:26 GMT

Windows Phone 8.1 (Lumia Cyan) updates are currently rolling-out to various Lumia devices. One of the new features is Microsoft's "Wi-Fi Sense" which will automatically connect to Wi-Fi networks and accept terms.

Wi-Fi Sense

Your phone will automatically accept Wi-Fi network terms?


Wi-Fi Sense

"Not all Wi-Fi networks are secure."

(At least you're able to edit the infomation provided on your behalf.)

Wi-Fi Sense

Also, Wi-Fi Sense will share Wi-Fi network access with your contacts and "friends".

Wi-Fi Sense

So… if your phone knows the password to your company's Wi-Fi network, now your Facebook friends can access it too?

Information security managers are going to love that.