NEWS FROM THE LAB - Friday, August 23, 2013

NASDAQ's Community Forum Posted by Sean @ 15:35 GMT

Me, speaking to V3.co.uk's Alastair Stevenson on July 18th:

"Imagine this: Suppose the NASDAQ community forum wasn't just compromised for its users' passwords — but also to use it as a watering hole. You thought the Twitter, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft watering hole attack compromises via the iPhone Dev SDK forum was bad? Well, I think that would be nothing compared to the kind of damage that could be done via NASDAQ."

Image source: grahamcluley.com

Given that multiple large Internet companies were compromised via a watering hole attack on a FORUM back in Febuary — I was really quite amazed that folks weren't just a bit more curious about the NASDAQ community forum hack. (Because it was vacation season?) Was NASDAQ's forum used to host a watering hole attack?

Then this week's Goldman Sachs options error and NASDAQ outage

…and now I'd really like to see some confirmation that there wasn't a watering hole!

How about you?

Post by — @Sean