NEWS FROM THE LAB - Thursday, August 15, 2013

Blocking "MiniDuke" Type Threats Using Exploit Interception Posted by Sean @ 11:52 GMT

MiniDuke, a cleverly coded Adobe PDF exploit, made news back in February — it was used to target several European governments.

Now, more than ever, exploit prevention is a critical layer of defense. And that's why F-Secure Labs analysts such as Timo Hirvonen have become such experts on exploits — so our technology can be made better (with developers such as Jose Perez).

Here's a screenshot of our current DeepGuard™ behavioral engine tech vs. MiniDuke:

Miniduke vs F-Secure Internet Security 2014

Blocked — proactively, without signature-based scanning or back end heuristics.


Exploit interception is one of our primary goals — because exploits are the front end of an attack platform.

More about our technology, and a case study of the ZeroAccess bot, is available from our whitepaper…

F-Secure DeepGuard: Proactive on-host protection against new and emerging threats

DeepGuard, Behavioral Protection, Exploit Interception