NEWS FROM THE LAB - Wednesday, October 17, 2012

This Machine Kills Secrets Posted by Sean @ 12:53 GMT

Forbes tech reporter Andy Greenberg's book, This Machine Kills Secrets was published on September 13th.

It's been working it way up the sale charts since.

This Machine Kills Secrets

Here's a New York Times book review by Evgeny Morozov.

The book is about whistleblowing (a history) and of the tech used by today's leakers.

And here's a cool thing: the book contains a cryptographic puzzle within its pages.

A puzzle that our Timo Hirvonen solved!


Congrats, Timo!


Book excerpts, so you can get taste:

Forbes: Meet The 'Spiritual Godfather Of Online Leaking'
Wired: The WikiLeaks Spinoff That Wasn't
Slate: The WikiLeaks Copycat That Worked

Check it out.