NEWS FROM THE LAB - Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Select Your Web Browser(s) Posted by Sean @ 17:00 GMT

I wasn't sure I'd see this Browser Choice update:


I set my computer's Regional Options for the United States even though it's physically located in Finland (I'm an American after all).

Regional settings might trump my IP address, I thought… but it seems not. I manually ran Microsoft Update and was provided access to KB976002. Cool.

If you're located outside of Europe and are wondering what's this is all about, read this from the BBC.

Microsoft is offering alternative browser options to European Windows users to settle an anti-trust lawsuit. The update component points users to browserchoice.eu — from where they can select from 12 different web browsers.

On a somewhat not completely unrelated note: Microsoft Security Advisory (981374) was published yesterday.

"Microsoft is investigating new, public reports of a vulnerability in Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7."

The vulnerability could allow for remote code execution.

Once again, that browser choice link is browserchoice.eu. Share it with your family and friends.

Signing off,