NEWS FROM THE LAB - Friday, December 19, 2008

websupport.acer.com.tw Posted by Sean @ 17:14 GMT

Our File Analysis Team — they collect non-malicious files — came across an interesting case yesterday. Dzul Aiman was researching available driver downloads from Acer's Taiwanese (.tw) site and discovered something out of place. Maybe the site was hacked?

The list for WindowsXP Desktop drivers…


…included "nc.exe". That's a bit suspicious, don't you think?


That's probably a "driver" that you don't want to download. (Though it was probably Net Cat, it still shouldn't be there… it's not a trusted source.)

The team e-mailed Acer and the issue seems to have been resolved promptly.

So, even those that aren't looking for trouble may still find it. Stay vigilant.