NEWS FROM THE LAB - Monday, July 11, 2005

London bombing trojan Posted by Patrik @ 15:40 GMT

First of all F-Secure would like to send its condolences and deepest sympathies to the families and friends of those who lost their lives in the terror attack in London.

After the 9/11 attack against the World Trade Center in New York we started to see malware that used the tragic events in an attempt to trick users into running malicious attachments. After only two weeks after the 11 september the e-mail worm W32/Vote.A@mm was found and exactly a year after the event another e-mail worm, W32/Chet@mm, was found. While Vote.A didn't spread very well the Chet worm was widespread and forced us to issue a F-Secure Radar 2 warning.

Unfortunately we've already found the first trojan that tries to exploit the London bombings. It's arrives as an attachment in e-mail messages looking like this:

London trojan e-mail

The ZIP file contains the file ''London Terror Moovie.avi <124 spaces> Checked By Norton Antivirus.exe'. F-Secure detects the trojan as 'SpamTool.Win32.Delf.h' with the update [2005-07-11_01].

Also, a hoax e-mail looking like it's coming from the British Red Cross have been reported from Australia:
Link to Australian Red Cross