Security advisories

CVE-2022-28868: Address Bar Spoofing Vulnerability in F‑Secure Internet Security Browser for Android


Address bar may show next URL for a short period of time, which could potentially lead to address bar spoofing.



FIX: A fix has been released in the automatic update channel since 13th, April 2022. No user action is required.

Affected products

  • F‑Secure Internet Security Browser for Android Version 18.6 and below


  • All supported platforms for the affected products

More information

An Address bar spoofing vulnerability was discovered in Safe Browser for Android. When user clicks on a specially crafted malicious webpage/URL, user may be tricked for a short period of time (until the page loads) to think content may be coming from a valid domain, while the content comes from the attacker controlled site.

This issue was reported to F‑Secure through the Vulnerability Reward Program. No known exploit or attack has been seen in the wild.


F‑Secure Corporation would like to thank Kirtikumar Anandrao Ramchandani for bringing this issue to our attention.

Date Issued: 2022-04-14