NEWS FROM THE LAB - Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Why do Apple's security questions still suck? Posted by Sean @ 13:46 GMT

It's been two weeks, so why do Apple's security questions still suck?

Here's an example of questions you'll be asked when you create an Apple ID:

Apple Security Questions

And here's the full list…

Security Question 1:

  •  What is your favorite children's book?
  •  What is your dream job?
  •  What was your childhood nickname?
  •  What was the model of your first car?
  •  Who was your favorite singer or band in high school?
  •  Who was your favorite film star or character in school?

Security Question 2:

  •  What was the first name of your first boss?
  •  In what city did your parents meet?
  •  What was the name of your first pet?
  •  What is the first name of your best friend in high school?
  •  What was the first film you saw in the theater?
  •  What was the first thing you learned to cook?

Security Question 3:

  •  What is the last name of your favorite elementary school teacher?
  •  Where did you go the first time you flew on a plane?
  •  What is the name of the street where you grew up?
  •  What is the name of the first beach you visited?
  •  What was the first album that you purchased?
  •  What is the name of your favorite sports team?

The problem is painfully obvious — the questions are far too subjective or else are based on easily obtainable information.

What then does one do?

Whatever the question, create a nonsense answer. But then you'll have another problem… you'll forget the nonsense when needed.

So what next then?

Use your password manager's note field:

Childhood nickname? SvenHjerson

Hopefully you'll never need to use your answer — make sure nobody else can either.


For related advice, please see our article on dealing with passwords.