NEWS FROM THE LAB - Monday, March 2, 2009

Hiring : This Job is Not Safe For Work Posted by Response @ 18:29 GMT

Forget about malicious software for a minute…

Let's take a look at another kind of content that's more or less available on the Internet — Pornography.

Not Safe For WorkHow to find it? How to detect it?

How to tell "good pornography" from "bad pornography". Odd question, right?

Good is safe for your credit card, and is legally produced. Bad equals people who want to steal your money, abuse children or have other illegal intentions.

Why do we bring this up?

Our Security Research Lab has a team dedicated to technology that identifies and classifies the content of websites. This technology is the primary underlying element of our F-Secure Parental Control. We also do quite a bit of manual research.

We *suffer* so your kids don't.

In case you're interested in this line of work, we have a job opening.

"F-Secure Corporation is looking for a technically skilled individual to fill a position in Security Research. You will develop and track the quality and value of detection software, platform solutions and processes that enable the F-Secure Parental Control and other content related detection services."

Our Careers page has more details, the "Quality Engineer with Development skills, Security Research Program" position.