NEWS FROM THE LAB - Tuesday, February 26, 2008

MDeC Signing Ceremony Posted by Esz @ 03:24 GMT

There was a special signing ceremony held in our Kuala Lumpur Security Lab earlier today.

The Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) has provided us with a research grant establishing special projects with MSC Malaysia. The fund grants are close to RM6.6 or about 1.7 million USD.

The purpose of the R&D projects funded by the grant is to further Malaysia's development as one of the world's best environments for multimedia and ICT ( Information, Communication, and Technology).

Here's our Ingvar Fr�iland with the Finnish ambassador:


The ambassador and MDeC Senior VP Dato� Narayanan Kanan:


All three gentlemen:


It was quite an honor to have them visit.

So as we mentioned, the signing ceremony took place in our Kuala Lumpur Security Lab.

The lab has undergone some renovation since we last posted a picture.

This is what the work-area looks like from the front:


And these photos are from the back:


The front contains various monitors and a projection system. We use this during weekly meetings between the labs:

KulLab_Monitors and Projector

Looks kind of like a Starship…