NEWS FROM THE LAB - Thursday, September 27, 2007

Weblog 2.0 Update Posted by Kamil @ 13:01 GMT

For those of you that read our posts via RSS feed — our Weblog's layout has been updated and we have introduced a few new features.

Check them out from: https://www.f-secure.com/weblog/

Here's the "classic" layout:

Weblog Classic

The new layout includes a comment system:

Comments are currently moderated during the Helsinki day shift, be patient.

We've added navigation options:

For example – the FSLABS TUBE button will take you to our YouTube Channel:
YouTube FSLabs Channel

Post titles will now link to the individual pages we created a couple of weeks ago. We have also added additional navigation options to these pages.

The archive indexes remain in place for those that prefer that layout. (And to maintain legacy support, e.g. anchored links are still valid…)

We'll be adjusting the rss feed next week to point to the individual post pages. The ABOUT US button contains our contact information.

Signing off,